UC Davis Vaccination Protocol
This is the Vaccination Protocol followed at
Von Daily German Shepherds
The following vaccination protocol is what is recommended by the University of California
Vaccination Protocol
University of California - Davis Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital Revision Date: 09/14/99 *Provided for your reference only. Please follow your breeder and/or veterinarian's instructions.
"The medical merit of routine annual boosters for common puppyhood and kittenhood diseases is being questioned, as is the practice of vaccinating for diseases that pose little, if any, risk to the animal being immunized. Because vaccination is a medical and not economic procedure, we recommend that vaccines be administered according to medical criteria including morbidity/mortality for the particular disease, risk of infection, and life-style and age of the animal. The most important vaccinations are for puppyhood diseases, and then the 3-year boosters.
Canine Vaccination Schedule
Age Vaccine
6-9 weeks DA2PL CPV
9-12 weeks DA2PL CPV
12-16 weeks DA2PL CPV
12 weeks Rabies
Note: 1) Puppies should receive DA2PL and CPV at 3-4 week intervals ending at about 16 weeks of age. Vaccination of puppies under 6 weeks of age is not recommended. Adult dogs (6 months old) with no known vaccination history should receive one injection of DA2PL and CPV regardless of age. The above vaccination schedule for puppies as well as for adult dogs should be followed by a DA2PL and CPV booster one year later, then a DA2PL and CPV booster every three (3) years.
Note: 2) Puppies should receive Rabies vaccine at 16 weeks of age, and a Rabies vaccine booster 1 year later. Following his booster, the law requires re-vaccine every 3 years. Adult dogs with no known vaccination history should be vaccinated as for puppies (i.e., one shot followed by a booster in 1 year).
Canine Vaccines
Disease Type DA2PL CPV
Canine Distemper MLVAdenovirus type-2 MLV
Parainfluenza MLV Leptospirosis Killed
Canine Parvovirus MLV CPV
Canine Parvovirus MLV
Rabies Killed
Measles vaccine - there is no convincing evidence that the use of measles virus-containing vaccine provides any better immunity than distemper virus vaccine alone in puppies greater than 6 weeks of age. therefore, we do not stock or preferentially recommend measles virus-containing vaccine. Measles vaccine may be beneficial in helping to stop outbreaks of distemper in kennels when used as a single injection on puppies less than 6 weeks of age.
Note: Routine vaccination of household dogs for Lyme disease, Giardia, Coronavirus and Bordetella is not recommended.
Lyme Disease vaccine - Lyme Disease is not a proven problem in California, therefore, most dogs are at low risk. Moreover, there is no evidence at this time that infection leads to any significant chronic disease problem in dogs or that infected dogs are public health risks. Vaccine reaction problems occur occasionally and may outweigh health benefits. We do not stock Lyme Disease vaccine.
Coronavirus vaccine - there is not scientific evidence that this disease is a significant problem in household dogs. It is mainly a problem when large numbers of dogs are brought together under heavy stress (i.e. shows or kennel situations). We recommend use of this vaccine only in situations in which dogs may be at risk of infection and disease. We do not stock Coronavirus vaccine.
Bordetella Bronchiseptica (kennel cough) vaccine - Use only in kennel situations where a problem exists. One dose (of MLV vaccine) gives protection in 2 - 7 days. Vaccination with this vaccine may be a boarding requirement in some kennels. The VMTH stocks this vaccine only in combination with Canine Parainfluenza. This vaccine must be administered intranasally, 0.5 ml instilled in each nostril.
Giardia Vaccine - Giardiasis is a common sub clinical infection in dogs, but rarely causes significant disease. For these reasons, routine vaccination for Giardia is not recommended at this time.
*Current vaccines do not contain serovars that are associated with clinical cases of Leptospirosis in California or other states. Therefore, present vaccines are either totally ineffective against Leptospirosis or they are only partially effective (i.e., they protect only against those serovars present in the vaccine). For these reasons, the use of Leptospirosis vaccines in dogs will be optional until improved vaccines are marketed. At that time, Leptospirosis vaccination will be reinstated as a required part of the vaccination regimen."
© 1999 UC-Davis VMTH